There's a lot of excitement about next-gen technology and how it will affect how we do things. Some of these technologies have some validity, especially concerning AI, Blockchain, and Progressive Web Apps. There will be a significant shift from conversational AI to predictive AI as individuals will be finding opportunities for more streamlined workflows and user experiences. Let us get ahead and see software trends that we may not overlook, describing why these next-generation innovations matter and creating a business case around their evolution through data-driven analysis.
AI software is a software trend that can interpret and respond to natural language patterns by processing a set of inputs. AI software is also equipped to formulate and contextualize outputs. The AI system can learn concepts beyond the concepts we have trained to know. AI is the super-employee, who assumes the burden of continuous learning and personal growth during working hours. By using the same comparison, it will never be possible for this employee to respond with nonverbal communication, create intrapersonal intelligence, or act on visual indications.
So we will witness an AI paradigm change as we head into the New Year. Instead of replacing all customer service agents with chatbots, we will find a way to improve the relationship between the individual workforce and AI tools to create a symbiosis where one relies harmoniously on the other. There will be a great change in emphasis from conversational AI to predictive AI as we see opportunities for more streamlined workflows and user interfaces. Predictive AI transcends vertical, shape-shifting to relieve several pain points that we did not know as pain points until we had the tools to break them down.
The U.S. Army uses AI to forecast broken vehicle systems and provide insight into organizational safety, acting as a technician for automated equipment. This is a continuous conversation between the computer and the AI software in a specific language, which is then repackaged into a language familiar to us by the AI software.
We describe a PWA as an application with the much-loved native app design and computer connectivity with a web application browser-based user interface. Progressive Web Apps cannot do things on their own, neither a regular web app nor a mobile app, creating the perfect formula for accessibility across channels. Users can access the software from any web browser and any operating system. Brands sometimes lack engagement on the mobile app front due to navigation limitations, load-speed, and interrupted user use. Considering that PWAs are a relative of traditional web apps, they are linked to a URL that makes them linkable and share-friendly.
PWAs are practical and efficient and ensure maximum connectivity for users. Users are given two options: continuing to navigate through their browser to the PWA or downloading a shortcut icon to the home screen for greater access. PWAs are a win-win on all fronts, incredibly easy to introduce, easy to use, and easy to upgrade. We are also taking usability a step beyond app compatibility with PWAs because they maintain functionality when connectivity is minimal. It should be the number one priority for brands to outline offline apps. What features will remain accessible even if the user is a victim of a fickle internet connection?
PWAs are an efficient medium for offline brand consumption for countries with no widespread connectivity and represent an opportunity to grow into the new market or revive old markets. While mobile apps need to be downloaded through the app store and follow the app store's guidelines and regulations, PWAs operate independently, restoring creative freedom for branding initiatives.
The introduction of Blockchain coincided with growing interconnectivity and fear of sacrificing data with modern openness. Blockchain is an impermeable, decentralized ledger providing an alternative to centralized processes. Once a transaction's parameters are coded, and a new block is formed, the transaction will self-execute the settings accordingly. All transactions are checked, and the transaction details are anonymized, and privacy is not compromised.
Maybe first, we will look at the obvious use, the banking. When person A transacts with Person B via Visa and Visa does not send details to Person B. Otherwise, Person A is forced to wait for the recovery of the outage and postpone payment. Therefore a small number of actors manage a substantial amount of money and all the stockholders.
In the hands of payment networks, foreign exchanges are the most vulnerable. Foreign transactions usually take 3-5 days to settle and come with a high cost per transaction. Blockchain alternatives like Ripple and Tron boast that the fees are greatly reduced, and transactions confirmed in less than half the time. Bypassing big banks is an enticing first-thought, which is why we saw saturated banking and financial channels at Blockchain.
We can identify severe data security lapses and reverse the paranoia induced by them. We may be able to apply Blockchain to the voting process, cutting machines out with seedy security protocols. What if we are transforming Real Estate into a completely independent process, buying and selling homes without a broker, and checking sales and payments across the Blockchain network? We now know that Blockchain technology is applicable wherever privacy concerns exist, and whenever anonymity is required.
It is sometimes hard to contextualize trends and apply them to your company. The following are some of the Top Software Trends in 2020 that we may not ignore this year. These next-generation technologies are fun to read about, but it is pretty much pointless without implementing the details. So take out of Purgatory your current tech solutions, and create them a bridge to the enlightened side of things.
Blockchain is best at security. If there is a question about privacy or security, it works best.