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Explore the latest trends and find our updates on all you need to know about what is happening in the world of web and technology.

iot- epixelsoft

2020 will be a year full of fusions, acquisitions, real commitments and expanding product adoption in the IoT sector. IoT has practically paved the way for smart technology everywhere.

website development 2020- epixelsoft

It has been forecasted that nearly 100 million users of smartphones will use voice assistants. Data reveals that by 2020 voice technology will account for 50% of all searches. Here look at the State of UX Design in Mobile App Development: 6 Trends

Mobile app ideas- epixelsoft

With technology and web presence, most companies in all sectors have taken the plunge. Whether it is the food supply market, taxi-booking, e-commerce, they leave everything they can to reach their audience with something appealing and realistic.

Django- epixelsoft

There are different Web Development Frameworks available to programmers, but the commonly used are Django and Ruby on Rails. They emerge as popular web frameworks, and this popularity has been expected to continue until 2020.


Last year at Google launched its Digital WellBeing program. It has since expanded its reach by adding new features such as Wind Down and bringing more apps and services, such as YouTube, to its scope.